Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Whole Pet Kitchen - Anna K's (our beagle) Birthday

Our beagle, Anna K, turned one last January 21. To celebrate her birthday, we ordered some dog cakes and treats from Whole Pet Kitchen. And in case you were wondering, yes, our dog is named after Anna Kendrick. We had the whole gang (The Riot Family!) celebrate her first birthday.

Whole Pet Kitchen
Anna K. (beagle)

Whole Pet Kitchen
Hayley (labrador)

Whole Pet Kitchen
Bubba (chowchow)

Whole Pet Kitchen
Kim and Kidlat (Shih Tzu)

We ordered the Bone Shape Cake. 780php.

Whole Pet Kitchen

We had Whole Pet Kitchen put in a birthday greeting for her as frosting. The cake had a liver base and cream cheese frosting. It certainly looked good enough to be eaten by humans (and Whole Pet claimed it to be safe), but this was for the dogs and we didn't want to divide in their share.

Whole Pet Kitchen

We also ordered some Pupcakes. These were cute little cupcakes for dogs! It had a banana-oat base and cream cheese frosting with cute little pawprints on them.

All four of our dogs enjoyed the cakes, especially our old, arthritic Labrador, Hayley. The smaller dogs, Anna and Kidlat, had a little trouble biting into the cake at first because I cut them too big. But once we cut them into smaller pieces, they quickly ate away. Bubba only had a few bites but that's because she's so pihikan with food.

Whole Pet Kitchen

We also had Chamomile and Cheese Biscuits delivered. It's supposed to be a calming treat, but it only made our dogs more hyper as they jumped around and jostled for position as to who would get the treat.

Whole Pet Kitchen

Aside from the cakes and treats, we also had all our dogs wear DIY paw-ty hats! This might seem a little excessive for some, but our dogs are here on earth for a short time compared to us, so we must celebrate each moment that they provide fun and happiness in our lives :)

Thanks to Whole Pet Kitchen for the great (dog) food and speedy delivery! So for those who are planning on throwing their canine buddies a party, you might want to hit up Whole Pet Kitchen for some awesome goodies!

Whole Pet Kitchen

By the way, here's a video of the paw-ty! :D (Better to watch it in HD :) )

Whole Pet Kitchen

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