Saturday, March 8, 2014

McDonalds Sans Rival McFlurry

McDonalds recently launched its new line for McFlurry and Coke Float, the Dreamy Decadence. For the McFlurry, the flavors are Sans Rival and Cookie Butter. And as for the Coke Float, the new flavors are Black Forest and Tiramisu.

And since we love Burger Machine's Sans Rival, we tried the McFlurry Sans Rival first for 59php. Basically, it's their usual vanilla swirly ice cream topped with a sweet syrup, I think it's corn flavor which hardens later on, and also added with ground graham crackers. They finish it off in the McFlurry machine where everything gets flurried.

McDo Sansrival McFlurry

So the verdict? It really tastes like Sans Rival that melts in your mouth! There's a different texture in every bite because of the hardened syrup bits and the ground graham. We loved it so much that we already tried it twice in just 3 days, and that's why we thought of making a quick blog post about it.

I think we're going to try the Tiramisu Coke Float next time because it sounds weird interesting, and then the rest.

McDo Sansrival McFlurry

It's everywhere! :D

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